About the service
Speech-to-text interpreting provides a meaning-for-meaning transcription for aural information. This access service is used in both online and in-person settings by Deaf and Hard of Hearing individuals who prefer to access information by text. In some situations, there might be both a sign language and a speech-to-text interpreter, which provides fuller access.
Speech-to-text interpreters focus on conveying the meaning of what is being said, in contrast to verbatim speech-to-text services. The transcription also includes any relevant non-verbal auditory information. This reduces what the consumer has to process visually, while allowing them to still access the same amount of meaningful information.
This is achieved through:
- the use of shorthand
- eliminating filler words
- condensing connected thoughts whenever possible.
This table shows the differences in output of verbatim and meaning-for-meaning transcription:
Variations of speech-to-text interpreting
Besides those who are Deaf or Hard-of-Hearing, other disabled individuals might find this service beneficial in providing them greater access.
Speech-to-text interpreting can also be modified to fit the needs of other disabled individuals. For example, for an individual who is blind, the transcript would focus more on describing the visual elements of the environment, rather than auditory ones.
Those who have mobility difficulties may also find this service beneficial if they are in environments like a classroom, where they have to take notes. In this case, scribe services, a modified form of speech-to-text interpreting, might be used instead.
Access for All
Speech-to-text interpreting not only provides access to the Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing community – the general audience also benefits. Some hearing audiences might prefer reading than listening, while others might understand difficult terms better through the transcript.

Speech Recognition Software
There are a number of reasons why human speech-to-text interpreters might be preferred over speech recognition:
- Customisable layout: inclusion of title headings, screenshot of slides, highlighting or bolding of important words
- Choice of range of auditory access: Focus on main speaker only, or include other side conversations and environmental noise
- Ability to refer to diagrams drawn in real time, noting down specific sections being referred to
- Referencing each speaker’s name as they talk
- Structuring of equations for easy reading
The table below details what these differences could look like.
Automatic Speech Recognition | STTI |
You can take some materials. It is okay I brought a few. |
TEACHER: You can take some materials.
STUDENT: It is okay, I brought a few. |
F k equals two moo k and be equal to zero point one times and be equals what. Zero point one times ten times nine point eight one equals to nine point eight one and. |
Fk = μkNB
= 0.1 * NB = 0.1 * 10 * 9.81 = 9.81N |
If sway sway the textbook is outdated, you can potentially be legally liable if something bad happens. |
If suay suay (unlucky in Singlish) the textbook is outdated, you can potentially be legally liable if something bad happens. |
You have a country over here, and a country over there. | You have a country over here (North America), and a country over there (China). |
This is liver thyroxine, which is used to treat thyroid hormone efficiency. |
This is levothyroxine, which is used to treat thyroid hormone eficiency. |
We throw away our food waste. Otherwise this is nice. |
We throw away our food waste. Otherwise— [groovy music plays from next door] This is nice! |
It was a butter field. | It was a battlefield. |
Because I always wore this woollen sweater, I unknowingly silky silky. |
Because I always wore this woollen sweater, I unknowingly “sksksksk” [imitating the electrostaticity] |
Learn more about Speech-to-Text interpreting through our explainer video:
Descriptive transcript of the video here
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- Social Enterprises
- Government Bodies
- Institutes of Higher Learning
- Arts Organisations
Interested in booking this service?
You can also find out about our rates, cancellation policy and more in our Frequently Asked Questions page.