Deaf Access Survey ► Equal Dreams

Survey for the Deaf/Hard of Hearing Community Banner with texts that says Access Services with Lifelong Learning. Share your thoughts on your access requirements for learning and Challenges in getting access servicesFaced barriers in getting access services for education, training or self-development courses?

Share your experiences, good or bad, with us through our Deaf Access Survey! You’ll be helping to provide a clearer picture of the ground needs and challenges faced in this area, so that related services can be improved for the future.

We would really appreciate it if you could take some time to fill in our survey. It’s available in two versions:

  1. Survey form for Deaf/Hard-of-Hearing Research Survey (English)(opens in a new tab)
  2. Survey form for Deaf/Hard-of-Hearing Research Survey (English + Singapore Sign Language)(opens in a new tab)

If you have any questions, please feel free to email us at

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