Our Work with Institutes of Higher Learning (IHLs) ► Equal Dreams

Accessibility Services

1. In-class note-taking

2. Sign language interpretation

3. Speech to text interpretation

4. Document conversion to accessible formats


Peer Allyship: Build Up Your Student Access Team

Are you depending on external vendors for in-person accessibility services?

We can work with your Disability/SEN office or faculties to set up a student access team for sustainability, and to shed off dependency on external vendors (even us!). This student team will then be able to provide access services to your Deaf and Hard of Hearing students, students with vision loss, as well as to assist faculty members in making their materials accessible.

How we can work with you:

1. Training of your student access workers. Skills include notetaking, audio description, document conversion to accessible formats.

2. Providing on-the-job mentorship to student trainees while they carry out their allocated roles

3. Setting up a process and system of recruitment, matching and coordination for student access workers

Staff Training

Disability Confidence Programme
From Awareness to Acceptance to Appreciation of Disability, we customize disability education programmes for your staff members to not only be aware of disability, but to accept, appreciate and be confident working with students and colleagues with disabilities. Programmes can be customized according to your target group of staff be it faculty or corporate functions.

Accessible and Equitable Higher Education
Targeted at faculty members, we conduct training on designing an accessible curriculum and creating an equitable learning environment in your classes. Training can be customized to your setting through specific case studies relevant to your institute.



As long as there is an on-going long term accessibility service contract between Equal Dreams and the institute, complimentary consultancy on accessibility is offered to faculty members in collaboration with the Disability or SEN Office. This can include 

– class observation for needs analysis on accessibility

– email helpline on how make your classes accessible


Contact us to explore what works best for your institution: services@equaldreams.sg

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